Say Sergey Sergeyevich

    Места работы
    1. заведующий Лабораторией типологического изучения языков,
    2. доцент Кафедры общего языкознания Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета.
    Полевые исследования
    • «Ассирийский» (урмийский новоарамейский) язык (2019)
    • Башкирский язык (2011-2017)
    • Архангельские диалекты русского языка, бассейн реки Устья (2016)
    • Калмыцкий язык (2006-2008)
    • Адыгейский язык (2003)
    • Вологодские диалекты русского языка (1998)
    Гранты (избранные)
    • РГНФ, 11-04-00179а, "Вариативность аргументной структуры глаголов и классификация глагольной лексики в разноструктурных языках", 2011-2013, руководитель.
    • РГНФ, 09-04-00366а, "Неканоническое маркирование актантов многоместных предикатов", 2009-2010, руководитель.

    Базы данных

    • NoCaCoDa is a typological database of nominal causal constructions. Nominal causal constructions are constructions where the causing event is syntactically represented by a noun phrase, as in The woman woke up from [the noise] or The woman can’t fall asleep because of [the mosquitoes]. The database makes it possible to explore the ways in which different nominal causal markers, such as English from and because of in the examples above, are distributed over various causal contexts. As of 2023, the database covers 35 languages, primarily from Northern Eurasia. The data have been collected using a questionnaire containing 54 stimulus sentences. These stimulus sentences capture various semantic subtypes of nominal causal constructions.

    • BivalTyp is a typological database of bivalent verbs and their encoding frames. As of 2023, the database presents data for 92 languages, mainly spoken in Northern Eurasia. The database is based on a questionnaire containing 130 predicates given in context. Language-particular encoding frames are identified based on the devices (such as cases, adpositions, and verbal indices) involved in encoding two predefined arguments of each predicate (e.g. ‘Peter’ and ‘the dog’ in ‘Peter is afraid of the dog’). In each language, one class of verbs is identified as transitive. The goal of the project is to explore the ways in which bivalent verbs can be split between the transitive and different intransitive valency classes.